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Term descriptions

Peptide id: Local peptide identifier.

FDR_corrected: This is the result of correcting FDR_simple by a multiple testing method (to take into account that many null hypothesis are being testing simultaneously).

Label set: To distinguish if a peptide has been efficiently cleaved in a trypsin protein digestion ('typtic') or not ('non-tryptic').

Q-value: This is a p-value and is the result of combining the e-values of the matched peptides - it gives an indication of the likelyhood that the peptide has been correctly matched.

FDR_simple: This is the unadjusted False Discovery Rate (the expected proportion of incorrect assignments) estimated from the decoy, random peptide, matches. It is calculated by dividing the number of decoy matches by the number of target matches (at each given p-value).

Peptide sequence: Amino acid sequence detected.

Num. experiments: Number of experiments in which the peptide was detected.

Experiments: The list of the PeptideAtlas or GPM experiments in which the peptide was detected.

ENSEMBL gene: These IDs come from ENSEMBL. They begin with 'ENSG' for human. The 11-digit number following each ID is unique for that gene, and stable (unchanging), unless the gene model drastically changes.

ENSEMBL transcript: ENST IDs are human transcripts. Transcript numbers beginning with 0 (for example FOXP2-001) are from the VEGA/Havana (manual curation) project. Transcript numbers beginning with 2 (eg. FOXP2-201) come solely from the Ensembl annotation pipeline.

Location: Chromosome and base pairs in the genome for the peptide of interest.